Here are a few facts about me:
- I am pushing 25, but we don't talk about that.
- I have been happily married for 4 years (in 2 weeks), and i love to talk about that. Much to the nausea of those around me.
- We have a beautiful, incredible 2 year old son, who is the light of my life and our favorite person on the planet.
- He also happens to have ASD, and is, as yet, non-verbal. Not that it hinders his personality, humor, or general magnificence in the slightest.
- I am an artist, and a musician, and an unrepentant nerd.
- My husband is a martial artist, and an aspiring viking, and man, i am a lucky girl.
- I plan on opening a restaurant, and a dozen other things that will culminate into the single most bad ass adventure and tourist attraction you could possibly imagine. Stay tuned, because big things are going to start happening very soon.
- I am ambitious, and i am stubborn. I don't believe in "wait and see". I make shit happen. That sometimes translates into "type a" behavior, and i do regret that. I don't enjoy bowling people over to accomplish things, but sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
- Everyone has faults, i acknowledge mine.
- Everyone has weaknesses, and i resent mine. But i deal with them.
- I have chronic depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Prozac has saved me.
- I am crunchy, "natural", a hippy if you will. You know, while still hating the smell of patchouli.
- I am young, but you wouldn't know it to look at me. My body is falling apart, but science will save me.
- I believe that. With every fiber of my being, i believe in science, and man's ability to innovate.
- I am an Atheist, and a steadfast defender of every single person's right to peacefully practice whatever belief speaks to them. I will never judge you based on your beliefs, unless they harm another person.
- That being said, i will also defend, til i am blue in the face, someone who is being persecuted because of their beliefs, or because of the beliefs of another.
- That shit don't fly here.
- I could read indefinitely, and i am a chronic researcher. I take free college courses online in my free time because i believe in constantly educating yourself. Even if you can't afford to get a degree.
- I'm not a pacifist, but i think in general people are too quick to violence.
- I am dying to learn kung fu.
- I dream of completing a spartan race.
- I would give anything in the world, to ensure that my son never had to worry, a day in his life about his future.
- I want to travel the globe, and i want to take him with us, so that he knows that there is so much more to this life than his back yard.
- I have a million goals, and the confidence to truly believe that i am capable of achieving every single one of them, and 5 years ago i could not have told you that.
- I have grown to love who i have become. I have flaws, i have areas i need to improve. But i am a good person, i am strong, and smart, and i refuse to be ashamed of saying so.
So here i am. Let's go on an adventure.
You seem like my kinda gal :)